From details to large entities
Toni Sainio
Department Manager, Hull Assembly
Toni Sainio began his shipyard career as a production engineer in hull assembly in 2015 and he was soon promoted to department manager. By training, he is an industrial engineer. Toni has previously worked in biotechnology and his experience in managing several moving parts has also been useful in his current position.
The hull production organisation consists of department managers, production engineers, work supervisors and workers. As the department manager of hull assembly, Toni is part of the hull production management group, and he is responsible for the operations of his department. The duties of a department manager include recruitment and budgeting.
The hull production organisation designs and manufacturers all the ship’s steel parts and processes them into large blocks to be incorporated into the ship hull. These blocks can weigh up to 600,000–1,200,000 kilograms, and they are finally installed in the hull assembly stage. The work requires good organisational skills and precision at every stage of the process.
Approximately 700 experts from different fields with varied job descriptions work in the process from component manufacturing to hull assembly. There are hull designers and work planners, platers, welders, and various experts in logistics and maintenance. According to Toni, the department’s extensive expertise and cooperation between a diverse group of professionals to build something exciting makes the work interesting. He says going to work is also fun because the workplace has a positive working atmosphere.
The department manager is responsible for a variety of supervision and development tasks. Toni praises the employer for its efforts to create something new: our shipyard strives to be a pioneer in industry standards, and creating world-class operating practices encourages the entire work community to develop its competence and enhance the processes.