The best cruise ships in the world as a learning environment
Jesse Huovinen
Supervisor / Recruitment Training Graduate, Shipbuilding School, Pipe and Engineer Fitter Programme
Jesse Huovinen is one the students who have completed a recruitment training programme in our Shipbuilding School. Jesse had to change careers when he was laid off at his previous company.
When looking for a new job, Jesse saw an advertisement for our shipyard’s ship pipe and engineer fitter training programme. He had been interested in the metal industry for a while, so he decided to call some acquaintances working at the shipyard to learn more about the job. An acquaintance told him what the job of a pipe and engineer fitter entails and how our shipyard operates. Jesse knew for certain that he wanted to work for one of the most secure companies in Finland and help build world-class cruise ships.
Jesse was one of the twenty candidates selected for the recruitment training programme. We require a positive attitude towards work, motivation, good manual skills and carefulness of our training participants.
During the training, the students become familiar with tasks such as area outfitting, engine fitting, commissioning, pipe pressure testing, pipe welding and plan reading. After three months of studying, the students start a practical training period in production. Jesse praises our shipyard’s system in which experienced shipbuilders instruct newcomers in the practical work. The training programme lasts six months.
Jesse has enjoyed his time working in the shipyard. For him, the best parts have been the expert instructors and great course mates. The opportunity to learn new things makes every day exciting. From the very beginning, Jesse’s goal has been to stay at the shipyard and develop professionally.
Now Jesse works for us as a supervisor!