Open positions

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Our jobs vary extensively from hull production to design and supervisory work. You can find more information and answers to frequently asked questions here.

If you already have filled in an application, you can sign in here (your application is valid for 6 months from the last time edited).

Find your passion

We work under a lot of different job titles here at the shipyard. For example, our shipyard employs designers, project managers, production and development engineers as well as welders and pipe fitters in different departments. What kind of training do you have? What are you interested in?

Find out more about the positions

Open positions

Most of our job ads are in Finnish. Normally you will need some Finnish skills in those positions. If the job ad is in English, the working language in that department or team is English.

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Open application

Most of our job ads are in Finnish. Normally you will need some Finnish skills in those positions. If the job ad is in English, the working language in that department or team is English.

Position Location

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Are you unemployed or at risk of losing your job?

We arrange labour policy recruitment training. The training is provided in Finnish, so Finnish language skills are a requirement. You can apply for recruitment training via TE Services.

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Open recruitment training positions

The training courses are provided in Finnish, so Finnish language skills are a requirement.

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